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Birth Time rectification
  • Birth Time rectification
  • Birth Time rectification

Birth Time rectification


The bedrock of stellar astrological forecasting is the integrity of the natal chart, an intricate celestial map charted out from the precise moment of an individual's birth. This chart, sculpted by the precise coordinates of date, time, and place of birth, is paramount for the astrologer to provide accurate predictions. Given the historical reliance on mechanical watches, which were prone to time deviations, and the practical priorities in birthing rooms that often relegated the recording of birth time to a lower priority, it is common to encounter uncertainties in birth times.


At our practice, we place immense value on rectifying these uncertainties. Our astrologers are adept at verifying and refining the time of birth through a detailed examination of significant life events. This rigorous process, known as Birth Time Rectification, is a confluence of art and technique, where we take into account a spectrum of pivotal experiences provided by you — from career transitions, academic achievements, and travel, to personal milestones such as engagements and other emotionally charged events.


Through this intricate corroboration, we not only ascertain a more accurate birth time but also pave the way for predictions that resonate with the unique arc of your life story. This tailored approach ensures that the guidance you receive is not just a general interpretation but a personal narrative that aligns with the celestial forces at play during your most momentous life events.

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